Welcome To The Site!

I started this website as a project back in the summer of last year, mostly because I was interested in website design, but also because I wanted a good way to document (and share) my various projects. I originally found that traditional social media didn’t allow for the depth I was looking for, but the squarespace-esque, prebuilt websites didn’t offer the customizability I wanted. The more nitty-gritty way of developing websites was much too involved when it came to simply making something new, discouraging new content from being posted. Jekyll is a fantastic blend of these all, allowing for deep customization while keeping the process of posting something new as frictionless as possible. Though it’s more focused towards blogging, the static site approach also works fantastically for my use case as well.

As of now, there isn’t much here, but I am slowly in the process of updating the website with older projects. So far it’s been a bit of a slower grind as a lot of the projects were made before I had a site in mind, and therefore I have go about finding all the resources I used in order to make a proper write-up. This retro-active posting is also why some dates are weird. I’m trying to keep everything as accurate as possible, but this sometimes leads to weird anomalies when everything doesn’t line up.

Regarding the philosophy of the site, I’m trying to remain as transparent as I can. There are a ton of projects that I’m not happy with now, but I’m throwing them here anyways as a show of growth, hence the “home to my mistakes” mantra. I’ve also chosen to attempt to include downloads for all the projects that I post. Everything I know today is thanks to the help of others online, and I am therefore a huge believer in the open-source ideology. Being able to pull apart others’ work has been one of my greatest assets over the years, and I hope to give the opportunity back to anyone who wants it.

Feel free to poke around! Hopefully, there will be much more to come.

© 2025. All rights reserved.